Friday, April 18, 2014

3 Extremely Effective Home made face scrubs and masks

Lemon and Honey Face Mask.

What you’ll need:
½ Organic Lemon
1 tbsp. Organic Raw Honey
Mixing Bowl

Step 1. Prep: To prep your skin before any face mask, pour boiling hot water in a bowl and stand above it letting the steam open your pores.

Step 2. Mix one tablespoon of organic raw honey and half a squeezed lemon in to a bowl and apply all over your face, avoiding the eye area. 

Step 3. Now, let your skin soak up all this goodness for 15-30 minutes (depending on how sensitive your skin is). 

Step 4. 
Wash away with warm water, finishing with one splash of cold water to close your pores. Pat gently with a towel to dry. Let your skin breathe for the rest of the day, or follow up with your favorite moisturizer/serum.

Benefits: - Clears acne
- Brightens skin
- Dries out pimples
Minimizes your pores
- Relieves Dryness
- Reduces redness

Oatmeal Face scrub.

What you'll need:
 - Oatmeal (i use Quakers')
- Warm water

Step 1. Prep: To prep your skin before any face mask, pour boiling hot water in a bowl and stand above it letting the steam open your pores.

Step 2. Take 1 table spoon of oatmeal and add a little bit of warm water (3 table spoons or more), wait for about 5-10 minutes, until oats become soft.

Step 3. Gently, in circular motions, massage your clean face with this scrub to exfoliate the skin; massage for 1-2 minutes, avoiding the eye area. Rinse with warm and then, cold water. (Cold water will help close your pores).

Benefits: - Smooths skin
- Reduces redness
- cleans skin
- Reduces acne
- tightens pores

Almond and Honey face scrub

What you'll need:
- Some Almonds
- Honey

Step 1. Take handful of almonds and make a powder using a grinder.

Step 2. Take 2 tsp of honey and mix it with the almonds and store it.

Step 3. Apply on face and scrub in circular motion avoiding the under eye area, do this for about 10 - 15 minutes. 

Tip: don’t grind the almonds too much as they need to be in granular form.

Benefits: - lightening skin
- Reduces blemishes 
- Smooth skin