Friday, February 27, 2015

10 Minute Flawless Face.

With easy steps to perfect eyeliner!
I'v recently discovered this amazing lip shade by Lo'real paris and i'm falling in love with it more and more everyday! Planning on wearing it tonight on my graduation too. And to go with this amazing, amazing lip shade, i have this amazing-er (that's not even a word) blush by Dolce and Gabbana in Nude shade! OH MY! wait till you see it. This blush also have a touch of very light gold shimmer in it so you dont need to apply highlighter.
To be very honest, i don't like to wear foundation each time i head out, so i apply a very light coverage, enough to blur my redness (i have a little redness on my forehead and nose) thank God for i don't have dark circles. And lastly, the eyeliner! i go for liquid eyeliner with very thin edge brush and i'm using Colorstudio Eye Stylist liquid eye liner in this tutorial. Make this tutorial your everyday makeup look and you'll rule the world!

Things you need:

- Dolce&Gabbana blush in Nude
- Bobbi Brown blush brush
- Lo'real paris 101 rose melody lipshade
- Colorstudio eye stylist eyeliner
- essence get big lashed mascara
- Lo'real infallible foundation 
- Bourjois waterproof golden eye pencil.

step #1 Face.

Cover your entire face with a very light coat of foundation, starting from covering your under eye first. You can make an upside down triangle under your eyes and fade them in using your fingers. Dot your nose, forehead and chin with foundation and fade it with finger tips. Do not ever apply too much foundation as it gets oily later, specially in summers.

Step #2 eyes!

Next thing you do is apply your eye liner. Start with the outer eye area moving towards the inner eyelid. To make this easy for you see the below guide to perfect eyeliner!

In just 4 easy steps you can achieve your perfect eyeliner! Practice makes perfect. 

Cover your inner lower eyelid with golden eye pencil. Once you're done with this, apply your mascara and you're done with your eyes.

Step#3 Blush!

Easiest of all is applying blush, we're not talking about the professional bridal blush here, it's just the daily blush i'm talking about. So grab a brush, rub it in your blush and apply to your cheeks to give it a very light color and glow. Too much pink or rosey cheeks looks bad. Ah-ah! Keep it light, blush, foundation, everything. To give you face a little more color and glow, use your brush (without rubbing it too much in the blush) to just brush your chin and upper forehead a little, just a little!

Step#4 Lips!

Finish your look by applying Lo'real 101 lipshade on your lips. Its very light and rosey. Perfect lips for summers. The best part about this is that it's glossy and comes with a gloss brush so you don't need to worry about drawing your lips perfectly like Kendall Jenner's. Just apply, seriously though apply it just like a 6 year old would. 

And you're ready!