Sunday, December 13, 2015

Hair Care

Keratin Hair Care.
Dikson's Keratin Action, Shampoo and cream.

I know i'm late on my blog post (always am) but you know i always wait for something worth posting and something that is informative and helpful to you guys! So here it is, Hair care product review. This one's for Keratin treated hair, and also for damaged, dry, rough ones.

My hair are not Keratin treated, but i got these anyway. I wanted to try something new, I'm always trying something new, you guys know that, but when it comes to my hair, i like to stick to my favourite old shampoo (Finesse that is). But this time, i really wanted to buy these and try, and let's be honest, the expensive-looking sleek bottles made me go for it, lol. What's the worst that can happen, right? So anyway, i've been using them and i have to say, i like the results. My hair are not rough, they are more manageable, and healthier. So this was a good decision to get them. But, yes there's a but. They are expensive! each bottle is like PKR 1000 something. (can't remember the exact price, but if someone wanna know message me and i'll check and hit back)

Okay, tell you what, i'm thinking of getting or doing myself a keratin hair treatment, that is if i get the right material, i have been looking for it everywhere but couldn't find it! but i will, and once i get it done, i will be continuing using these two and will be updating you guys on how it works on kertain treated hair. Because so far, i'm very much satisfied with the result. 

The shampoo won't get much foamy or leathery, but they smell as expensive as they are. Unlike other shampoos, it doesn't dry your hair at all, and i may not recommend it for people with oily hair. As my hair are super dry, and frizzy, this shampoo and cream are my two new best friends! People with dry hair can totally trust Dikson's Keratin Action due. Tried and tested, you guys should give this a try! I don't think i have anything else to say, expect that i love you guys and i'm hope you find this review worth reading! xoxo