Thursday, March 5, 2015


Acne Be Gone!


Looking flawless is no accident. It takes times and the right products. 
We've all been through that awkward stage of pimples and acne breakouts. And it's fair to say that it's not something we enjoy having on our skin. Ever had an important event coming up which you're all excited about and than waking up the morning of the event to find a huge zit on your forehead? yup, we've all been there. 
Pimples can give a very unhygienic and impure look to our skin. And when they finally go away they leave that dirty black marks which seem impossible to get rid off. But don't worry there are a few products that can get rid of our unwanted friends with the right use and some patient. 
I came across this amazing product for acne a month ago and i couldn't help but share it with you guys. Not only does it get rid of the pimples with time but it also reduces the marks and spots left behind. This product is a must have for those going through acne or trying to get rid of some unwanted spots. 
I picked mine up from Al-fatah, though I believe you can find it anywhere. 
I started getting breakouts and soon my forehead and right cheek were infused with tiny pimples. Every morning i would wake up with a new blob on my face. Clearasil helped me get rid of them big time!! And it also made my skin shinier, clearer and of course flawless. I always believed that for flawless makeup you first need  flawless skin. Not only will you be using waaayy less makeup on your face, you'll also feel a lot more excited about trying out different products and looks. 
Okay, enough blabbing, lets get to the deets!!
Okay so, No one wants to read difficult names of acids and chemicals found in this product. I never liked that part of a review so let's skip that, yeah?
However there are a few pointers you might want to know about the face wash. It is perhaps a very strong formula, it will strip your skin of all the oil and dry it out. This is a big win for people with extra oily skin. However if your skin is sensitive and dry like mine, you'll experience dry patches around the T zone of your face, but don't freak out, its nothing a little moisturizer can't fix. I suggest all of you to try it out and see how it suits you before you start using it daily.
The formula is a very creamy light blue colored mixture. You need a very small amount of it and it's enough to cover your face and neck. Dab some in your palm and using your finger apply it to your face just like you would do with a normal mask. Keep it away from your eye area! Since the formula is very strong, the stink will burn your eyes a little at first, but it's nothing to worry about unless you're not getting is anywhere near your eyes. You can use this product both ways. As a mask or as a wash;

Directions of use

  • As a wash, wet face, and squeeze a small amount into hands
  • Massage gently onto face avoiding the delicate eye area
  • Rinse
  • As a mask apply on to wet face
  • Leave on for 1 minute and rinse 
Use as a wash 2-3 times daily and as a mask use it twice or thrice in a week. You'll start to see difference in about 5 days. 
I really hope this helps all you girlies get rid of your unwanted guests, and if they ever reappear..You know now how to kick them out!!

By; Summaiya Tariq.