Sunday, June 1, 2014

DIY Gold Wall Tutorial

Gloss Me In Gold.
When you walk in your room, lemme ask you, do you think its too boring and plain? Do you think you should go buy Elle decor magazines and get some ideas to buy those fancy decor and interior pieces that are just too expensive? But then you're like, never mind, i'd rather buy me some good shoes in half the price. Well, you don't need to do that, cause this DIY gold wall is gorgeous and inexpensive. But lemme just tell you, it needs a lot of hard out and time. So prepare your self!

So lets Start?
Things you need:

- Marie's White acrylic paint, 5 tubes ( i used it to cover graffiti and writings on my wall, you can use it to cover any marks or stains on your wall.)
- Gold acrylic paint, 10 tubes ( i used acrylique paints)
- Gold spray paint, 10 cans.

Before starting i want to show you guys how my wall looked before, so here it is:

Step #1

Cover any marks or stains on your wall and hide them using white acrylic paint.

Step #2

Cover the entire wall with gold acrylic paint, i used thick paint without any water so the strokes are visible.

Step #3, final step.

Now, spray it all with a coat of Golden spray paint. This will add shine and neatness. 

And, TADA!

- Cover the edges of other walls with fabric tape
- Cover switch boards with tape and newspaper
- You might need to cover the floor too with newspaper so the paint won't drop on floor
- When spraying, you might need to wear a face mask, cause of the smell.

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