Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Detox Water

Welcome Summers!
We welcome you with our new healthy obsession. Obsession that helps burn body fat, rids your body from harmful toxins, good for digestion, perfect for clear skin and comes with other healthy benefits. This new must-have drink in summers is Detox water, yes! Detox water is taking over instagram and twitter, every health guru posting snaps of their water bottles filled with this chilled fruity drink.
I have collected few of the best detox recipes for you to make, one's that are best in taste and benefits. You can carry them with you to your daily workout sessions or just simply drink them through the day for maintaining a healthy life style.

Here are the recipes;
For clear skin: (my favorite)

You'll need:
- Lemon (sliced)
- Cucumber (sliced)
- Crushed mint leaves
- filtered water
Fill your water bottle with water and put all these ingredients in. Close and refrigerate overnight. Put ice if you like and drink through the day. This water also helps rid your body of toxins and cleanse it. This is my favorite detox water recipe and i drink it every day, all day, in summers. This tastes good too, it's a zero calorie water. But at times i put some sugar in it too, for better taste. When you drink up all the water you can refill your bottle and put it overnight again.
For flat tummy, add 1 table spoon of grated ginger.

Fat flush water
- 1 orange sliced
- 1 lime sliced
- 1 lemon sliced
- 1/3 cup grapes
- mint leaves crushed
- filtered water (as much as to fill one water bottle)
Fill your bottle with water and all these ingredients, refrigerate for half an hour and enjoy drinking it throughout the day. 

Metabolism Boost
- Green tea bag
- half orange sliced
- mint leaves
- lemon sliced
- water
Just like any other detox water recipe, you put all ingredients in your water bottle and refrigerate overnight and drink it through the day. Green tea has benefits like burning the fat and digestion. Lemons are very good for skin and helps flush out toxins.

Other recipes:

- Lime, Lemon and Orange: For digestion, Vitamin C, immune defense and heartburn. Drink at room temperature.
- Green tea, Mint, Lime: fat burning, digestion and headaches.
- Cucumber, Lime and lemon: water weight management, bloating, appetite control, hydration and digestion. 
- Strawberry and Kiwi: cardiovascular health, immune system defense, blood sugar regulation and digestion. 

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